Wednesday, 27 July 2016

aurora borealis

"I still remember...
the first day we met..."

He was nervous, as usual, but excited too. Recollecting how his other first dates had turned out, through the popular dating apps. Meet...trying to impress each other, with fancy witty banter, mostly lies though. Then we depart and the process repeats with other potential soul

As he was in a reverie of sort. She arrived. A brief smile as they walked into the nearby restaurant. With a leather jacket on, she walked like warrior out on a stroll. Consumed by an Iron will to succeed, no doubt. yet had the compassion to be in the present, the here and now.

Thinking probably of her day, her students. If she had made the right choice by giving up a cozy corporate slave job to start her own Company and all the related anxieties. In all this maze, trying to accommodate society's pressure to be with someone. **Its hard though, because after a certain age, whenever you login to Facebook, you are flooded with pics and updates of friends getting hitched or "look i have had a baby pic" "baby got up from the bed look" BAM "baby realizes whatever it does is cute and will attract attention moment" WHAM "baby learning drama by aping mindless TV shows or the parents moment" THANK YOU MAM**

God its annoying.

Anyway They sat and indulged in "real" conversation that night. It was like they had known each other for a while, Even though they had only met. Conversations continued after they got out of the diner, by the roadside as the moon decided to pay Bright attention hither. There was a warmth sitting beside her and watching her talk and laugh and put on a thinking hat abruptly. A warmth he had not known, in all his life.

Like if you had been lost in a snow forest, wandering about in the piercing cold, that can freeze your heart's ability to "feel" at all.After years of fighting the cold and the dark, you come across a well built house. Received by the guests with an open heart and sit beside a fireplace and drink hot soup and feast on warm food throughout the night.While they introduce you to their family members and they all share their childhood memories and family stories till you are engulfed in a Cocoon of their warmth.
One of those rare moments, where everything just clicked and you wish the world around just froze for a while. In these times of instant gratification and rat races, its a long shot to hope to talk to another human being in complete sentences without being interrupted by the awful smartphones at least 900 times. They had a special bond that night.However love in the times of Globalization and Broadband is a mirage, on the rare occasion where the universe conspires, the magic or the bubble only lasts a meeting or two. Then its back to work, coz the loneliness inside is too brutal to dwell for too long but the intimacy is far more scary. The paradox of our times.

Nevertheless he thanks the Universe and its Random Chance, to have made this memory he can cherish a lifetime. A warm, happy memory engraved in his mind,

As warm as it was, "i have to leave you now. For i am a Bear by nature, i belong in the Cold Frost outside".

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