Thursday, 4 September 2014

Mind Matters

Puttusamy is awakened in the middle of the night by a turbulance. By the time he begins to reflect on what caused the pain he is overcome by a dream.. no this cant be a dream the images are too real he is gripped by a silent terror, that if he moves a muscle or breathes too heavy that he might attract attention from the other side. . . . .

" You are all missing the point" wisdoms' light.

"shhh. Its what's best for our species, for propogation and evolution" whispers the dark

In the cosmic dance of life n death they are in the intermediate stage. Just beginning to understand their animal instincts while trying to make sense of conscioussness. Its because their brains havnt completely evolved, are many of them confused and torn bw instinct n reason. The muted despair is when they cant completely be content being a sheep nor can they give into the pursuit of purpose, passion etc

Then why dont we tell them subliminally that you all are just a part of a continual cycle of life n u wont fully comprehend the grand scheme of cosmos objectively, that human mind is yet in its infancy.

"NO" said the Dark

It is of utmost importance that evolving species In any planet, is rid, completely of materialistic n animal instincts to progress to the age of reason.

So human traits like greed, selfishness, ego and manhood n territorial insecurities are thoroughly indulged in and experienced by all, so that in later stages, that part of the brain or nature is not reurned to for it becomes obsolete. Then replaced by advanced Dimension traits like telepathy, astral projection, eyz of wonder n so on as is happening with chemicons on the stardust galaxy.


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