Saturday, 1 June 2013

Whats up with indian men

In Response to teh article on WSJ India website :

i'm def not qualified to comment on a well researched article on such a complex subject.
However i feel labelling "sexual depravity" or lack of sexual freedom as the cause is  scanning only the surface. It def is a part of the problem but it shouldnt stop there.
Because i feel the cause is not a single one, its highly complex with overpopulation the intensity of it will only reach dangerous levels - we need to discuss, go deeper n deeper and find the cocktails thats causing this intoxicating and poisonous mix.
I work in IT industry - where i interact with men from diff classes, religion, social status.
If i am to generalize, most men regardless of their status from cab driver to an employee
seem to have an inbuilt perception that women if seems outgoing and open
she will sleep with anyone and everyone. For some reason this is seen as bad by men without conscience. maybe its a given in a trasitional society where it was okay for men to commit adultery but not for women. There is a hostile urge towards such a women to varying degrees among most of us regardless of him being a virgin or not.
The thing is if he is a virgin, he will prob (im generalizing here based on my observations only)
engage in evetease or that great indian stare at the most - if the woman rebels and talks to the man in person - he will prob Pi** his pants.
Now on the other hand, in my observation again(mostly in parts of Karnataka, Tamil nadu) its the married or the non-virgins who are the most dangerous, obnoxious types.
The underlying reason is too complicated for me to narrow down but it can be boiled down to unsatisfied sexual life,liberation of women, hardened perception of women,Peers (father included) attitude towards women, lack of education in understanding of one;s own animalistic urges, glorification and approval of the attitude by indian cinema esp bollywood and south indian ones etc

Thats another thing, that most indian boys/men hangout in groups
where their individual perception of women is always colored by the alphas/peers
perception. Rarely these men venture out alone. By doing so they
are not allowing their true feelings/thoughts to be heard/felt when they encounter women in social situations,esp in childhood/teen. as frequenting alone in social situations will not only
make them form their own un-colored opinion from individual observation - but also help
them interact with women unconditionally.

Now parents/teachers are another important part of this as well. as i feel
they need to constantly, religiuosly in the same way they warn the girl/women folk,
they need to warn the boy/men folk that you may get such urges or see your friends giving heed to such urges which is dangerous habbit or unevolved etc.
we indians rarely acknowledge issues with ourselves, this needs to change - acknowledge the problem then we might be able to work towards rectifying it.
There are a lot of other factors as well, and thoughts still go deeper - but i'' stop.


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