Monday, 27 May 2024

 Spring 2024 en Barcelona

This has been close to "normal" spring, such a welcome relief from the last 3 years of unusual warmth and dry has rained quite a bit though not as much as "needed" to recover completely from the drought. But its almost June and the weather is still cloudy, rainy with occasional heatwaves. Although most days is sunny still. 

Birth of niece in April! Happiest moment of the year.

Wedding to end spring - too much drinking! Checklist done, civil wedding though so the legal aspect was done in 15-20 mins with talk from one of the parents. Then off to a casa masia type restaurant for drinking/tapas/Cena/more drinking y bailar. 

Still waiting for residence permit renewal, dios, how long is this process here! 2 months y counting...