Thursday, 15 February 2024
My first attempt at Haiku, after having heard about this on "waking up" Alan Watts series and being fascinated by a few i read.
" A Beautiful day at the beach...
Lovers loving, BLISS, GHOST!
ma, its dark again OR in my hiding place again"
which ending works best?
Most of you will get it, but just incase GHOST here refers to Ghosting.
Friday, 2 February 2024
Winter 2024 en Cataluña
Warm weather lasted till almost Dec 2023, then the winter arrives suddenly. Some rain, but not enough to avert the drought which has been declared end of Jan. i remember using the heating ony for 1 or 2 whole nights, then a few days only for an hour or two.
sunrise and the colors, montjuic and the beach and the moon at night continue to mesmerize.
1Feb - today i followed the "waking up" app Life lessons on creating a sensory-scape of the neighborhood, today´s was mostly visual and its surprising how you notice things that you completely ignored in the past. Like the beautiful lamp post made of what seems to be iron, different plants and trees planted in an orderly fashion. Orange fruits still on the pavement opposite DIR diagonal park.
24 Feb - finally winter returns, it has been cold and bit of rain in the last couple of days, right in time, for my thermal bath day hike tomorrow!
1April - So Spring started a bit weird, as it was warmer than usual and ofcourse the drought due to lack of proper rain in 2 years! But alas! all that changed in the last 2 weeks of March, we have had atleast 3 days of rain almost all day and night in Barcelona. Like i remember back in 2020 when i first came to Barcelona. Risk of drought has been averted as well.
My lactose intolerance is only getting worse, with every passing year. Just remember to NOT eat any icecream or lactose-free products, god this time it took so long for my digestive system to recover!
Saturday meditation in the Budhist centre routine im really liking, lets keep doing it.