Thursday, 22 March 2012


A thousand moons in your eyes
Feels like sunset by riverside
A smile that can melt arctic ice
Feels like a crescent moon in disguise
A tender heart thou possess
Hope you never change (your address) ..he he

The Drop

Travelling after midnight from office to work, gives you a chance to peek at the creatures of the night in this great wilderness. To witness behavior of all classes of men mostly and a rare few women who's eyes speak of terrifying sense of fear and shame.
There, there...the poor fucks, drunk out of their minds...some on the middle of the road...what sense of pain or purposelessness must thou be to sink to such depths. 
The drivers of the night 
There are many different kinds, some carrying the basic necessities of a modern life ... while some others carry raw materials and goods for a better tomorrow. Some others still are making sure the IT-ites (the word just makes me cringe), some among them trying to make sense of all this madness around and in solitude mumble incoherent theories to pacify their minds while most of them have built a box inside a box and seem too busy or willfully ignorant of the world around,   get home safe and sound punctuated appropriately by chai wallahs to refuel all kinds.
Here recklessness abounds. From sleep deprived drivers, to impatient and arrogant passengers...the frustrated BPL-ites (sounds like a non profit product, completely dehumanized) and last but not the least the alphas - the rich ...with their expensive machines which they probably think as an extension of their dicks, who seem high on animal spirits and shamelessly proud.
Its early summer here, the only solace is the real fresh and earthly smell that the air blows on my face and if you're lucky a few colleagues who havnt yet had their conscience killed by corporate scum. The crescent shaped moon, reminding us to smile in the face of darkness all around.

Oh Mother nature i request thou to provide me an ounce of thy strength to survive in this jungle delight.

excuse my pretentious, incoherent herp-derp.