A Story
Ongoing phone conversation
"No bro, I am not happy with the management here. They promised me that i would get #130 an hour and now they're giving me #100. That word "Recession" and "Global Economic Slowdown" is becoming the business equivalent of the annoying Religious folks' "JESUS CHRIST!" and "God Bless the queen" here. Thats another thing, these folks have a palace where the anointed King and Queen still legally exist, like in the dark ages, but function more like a reality show fit for the current generation. Except they own massive amounts of land and spend public money for their special life events.The irony of a "Rational, Progressive" nation!
Between how is mother?"
To which his brothers response has always been an instinctive "She is doing good" followed by an awkward minute of silence, onward to another topic. A regular ritual whenever he speaks to his brother.
Today though, he started realizing that mothers of our time were willing slaves, a creature of sacrifice - he rarely could recall a single instance where his mother had a desire of her own. She never wanted anything for herself.
All these thoughts morph into a stream of thoughts, mostly of the past and he starts recalling why he moved out of India in the first place. You see being an Indian in IT industry, getting a job abroad is "living the dream".
Also he loved travelling and experiencing different cultures. This phrase, by the way, has been hijacked by almost all IT folk these days, esp on dating websites. So you talk to them about travelling and their so called love for it, you realize they travel only with friends or family, when they do the "group" thing. All decisions and experiences are had by this organism as a whole and not as an individual looking to challenge his fears or the quest to quench the thirst for knowing the unknown.In the process, getting to know themselves and the world a little better.
But the primary motive for him to leave india and taking up the job abroad was so that he can get away from his family. His father was a raging alcoholic all through his childhood. He never got over that trauma completely. Coming home was like an inmate who had been let out to see the world for a while, then the long walk back to the damned solitary confinement. Once in, he used to constantly get these flashbacks or the urge to go a violent spree. Also, he couldnt bare to see his mother being a glorified maid anymore. After his repeated attempts to get her to learn a job skill, like tailoring or Social work, failed to motivate her - he gave up, thinking if thats what she wants to be - if she is happy in that role, there's no point forcing her out of it.
Suddenly a memory springs into his mind, of his mother's smiling face. He was smoking in a nearby bakery, while his mother came to buy vegetables. Upon noticing him, she had smiled - a smile so complete, rid of inhibitions - straight from the heart. A smile only mothers are capable of.
Then he remembers, how she had been through an episode of drunken domestic abuse the previous night and still managed to smile the day after. An inspiration!
So he gets this sudden urge to see his mother, a Soldier. So he decides he will surprise her and his brother. Books a ticket and after a few days is on a plane back home.
On the plane, he starts thinking what if she hates me now? Then he rationalizes, "ive been sending enough money back home - all the material luxuries have been met." Then a thought cuts through his mind, like a slap on the face. She was not the kind to be happy with material things, "how can i even justify myself like this. Shame on you!"Then he acknowledges his mistake, "yes i should have called her regularly atleast".For he knew all it took to make his mothers day was to listen to her Son's Voice.
He makes it to Bangalore and notices, the city has undergone a plethora of changes.
From being a Pensioners paradise, it has now become a Senior Citizens' nightmare.
"welcome to Garden City" should be changed to "Under Construction and Over Production".
So with the traffic and the restlessness, honks and loud FM music, he reaches home after what seems like a whole business day.
He knocks on the door of what used to be his home, he is overwhelmed with emotions- excitement and nervousness. His senses were amplified like the sound coming out of a night club speakers.
His brother opens the door and is happy and shocked at the same time.
He immediately rushes to see his mother, who seems to be peacefully asleep. He sits beside her, trying to keep the contrasting emotions at bay, as calmly as possible. Then he whispers "Mother" in her ears "i am back"
To which his mother opens her eyes, the eyes seem distant but far off he can see hope - something strong keeping her Alive.
And she replies, "My Son, he will be back" He is a Good boy" "My son he will be back"
As he hears this ..tears come rolling down his eyes. His mother has Alzheimers.